~ Informative articles on the history of gardening and garden restoration ~

Cookery Through the Ages
Recipes from the Medieval to the Victorian ages.


Partridge Soup


Skin and cut in pieces two large partridges, with three or four slices of ham, a little celery, and three or four onions.

Fry them in butter, till brown, but mind they do not burn.

Afterwards put them into a stewpan with three quarts of boiling water, a few pepper-corns, and a little salt.

After stewing gently for two hours, strain the soup through a sieve, and put it again into the stewpan, with some stewed celery and fried bread.

When near boiling put it into a tureen and serve it up quite hot.

Another way:

Take the breast of four partridges, throw away the fat and skins, and put them for half an hour into cold water.

Cut the meat from the remaining parts, and pound it on a marble mortar.

Add four pounds of veal cut small, a slice of lean ham, the above pounded meat, together with the bones, some white pepper and salt, three table-spoonfuls of crumbs of bread, a large onion, stuck full of cloves, and some scraped carrots and celery.

Stew these in a proper quantity of water till all the goodness has been drawn from the meat and vegetables.

Then strain the soup through a sieve, and take off the fat.

Into this soup put the partridge breasts that have till now been preserved, and stew them for half an hour, adding some white pepper, and plenty of pounded mace.

Thicken with cream and flour, and serve up in a tureen.


Taken from Duncan MacDonald, The New London Family Cook, c. 1800

Please also visit Old London Maps on the web as many of the maps
and views available there have plans and depictions of gardens from
the medieval period through to the late nineteenth century.

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