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Garden Alamanac c. 1800


Work to be done in the Kitchen, Orchard and Fruit Gardens
These monthly directions come from Duncan MacDonald's
"The New London Family Cook", J Robins, London, first edition c. 1800


The Kitchen Garden

Plant out anjou, turnip rooted and cabbage turnips

Sow and transplant lettuces

preserve radish seed from birds

Sow carrot seed

Plant out coleworts

Prick out cauliflowers

Earth up autumn cauliflowers

Hoe turnips

Weed seedbeds


Blanch cardoons

Gather seeds

Make mushroom beds

Sow small salading

Plant out Brussels cabbage, or sprouts

Earth up the first and second crops of broccoli, transplant the third and prick out the fourth

Blanch some of the crop of endive

Earth up the second crop of celery, and plant out the last

Prick out the early cabbages sown in August

Plant out the last crop of borecole, savoys, and red cabbages

Plant out white Scotch cabbages for cattle

Cover melons and cucumbers with mats or glasses

The Orchard and Fruit Gardens

Gather fruit and lay it in a cool place

Make plantations of strawberries

Nail up vines, and pinch the shoots

Destroy insects

Top dress fruit trees

Put grapes into bags of paper, gauze or crêpe

Place lights and glasses before grapes

Cut branches of grapes half through to assist them in ripening

Plant cuttings of gooseberries and currants.

Carry on to October's Work ...

Or, return to Alamanac Front Page


Please also visit Old London Maps on the web as many of the maps
and views available there have plans and depictions of gardens from
the medieval period through to the late nineteenth century.

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unless specifically stated otherwise